Donnerstag, 12. Mai, 20:00 Uhr
Mohammad Abd (Deir Ezzor / SNHR)
ist anwesend.
Grußworte: Niclas Kriegenburg
Einführung: Mohammad Abd

Samstag, 14. Mai, 16:00 Uhr

Donnerstag 20:00 – 22:00 Uhr

Freitag 16:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Samstag 16:00 – 22:00 Uhr

Studierende der Universität Hildesheim
In Kooperation mit Deir ez-Zor 24

Rasselmania e.V.
Bischofskamp 18
31137 Hildesheim

Der Eintritt ist frei!

Ali Alleile, seit fünf Monaten in Deutschland, zeigt uns seine Stadt und wie sie sich verändert hat seit dem Jahr 2011, dem Beginn der syrischen Revolution.

Die Fotos, oft unter Lebensgefahr aufgenommen von Aktivisten, die seit Beginn der Revolution für demokratische Prozesse in ihrem Land kämpfen, erzählen von Deir Ezzor, ihrer Heimatstadt und wie der Krieg das Leben aller dort prägt.

Entscheiden wir uns einen Moment gegen unsere Fernseher und für einen unverfälschten Blick auf die Heimat der Bürgerrechtler.

Am Donnerstag, den12.05.2016 wird um 21 Uhr ein Q&A mit Mohammad Abd und Publikum statt finden.

+++ Ein Projekt von Anna Kottmeier, Niclas Kriegenburg, Greta Hey. In Kooperation mit Ali Alleile, Sprecher der Organisation Deir ez-Zor 24. +++



Ali Alleile

Deir ez-Zor 24

Sprecher der Organisation
Geboren in Dier Ezzor.
Lebt seit 2015 in Deutschland

  • 2004 – 2007 Taught Arabic literature at both the University of Damascus and the Euphrates. Unarmed civilian since the start of the Syrian Revolution.

  • 2011 Civilian activist and official spokesperson for the Eastern Region of Syria, and former spokesperson for the FSA faction of Jaafar al-Tayar in Deir Ezzor.

  • 2012 – 2013 Official spokesperson for the Military Council in the Eastern Region (Hasakah, Raqqa and Deir Ezzor).

  • 2014 – 2015 Official spokesperson for the General Staff Command Building of the Free Syrian Army.

  • Worked as an Arabic teacher before the beginning of the Syrian Revolution.

  • Contributed to the secure defection of more than 400 Assad regime soldiers, mainly in the province of Hasakah. They were granted safety because of not being involved in war crimes against the Syrian people.

  • The executive editor of D24 Network.

  • Officer of Another Team Civilian activists for the coordination and communication with international organization working on projects related to Syria.


  • Hold a bachelor degree in the Arabic language at the Euphrates University.

An additional info: My vision in regard to the extremists groups operating in Syria is obvious and clear through the media and my daily interviews with the press.



Mohammad Abd

Deir Ezzor / SNHR

Fotograf und Journalist
Geboren in al-Shaheel.
Lebt seit 2015 in Deutschland

  • 1993 Born in al-Shaheel, situated in the eastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor.

  • 2011 he began studying engineering at the University of Damascus.

  • 2012 stopped his study – as the Syrian revolution erupted.

  • 2012 – 2013 he worked at The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression.

  • 2013 – 2014 he worked as the official spokesperson, in the region of Deir Ezzor, for the news agency called Sham News Network (Facebook: Sham News Network).

  • 2014 he also worked as a Deir Ezzor based photographer for Reuters News Agency.

  • Late 2014 when Daesh (ISIS) gained control over most of Deir Ezzor, I was pushed to leave the province for Turkey.

  • Since 2015 he have worked for the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) as a monitor who documents the human rights abuses against civilians in Syria, which are being committed by all parties to the conflict.


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Sparkasse Hildesheim Goslar Peine


Bischofskamp 18
31137 Hildesheim